Wednesday, May 13, 2020

2020-9 Payson to Holbrook Arizona : WigWam Motel


Payson, Arizona
Holbrook, Arizona

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Campground: Little Green Valley. Payson AZ Tonto National Forest. Dispersed camping. Dusty dirt road, with ATV’s, dirt bikes and rednecks kicking up dust. Not many level sites. Nice forest setting. 5 over-the-air TV stations. Minimal to no Verizon coverage.

Campsite: Holbrook AZ, parking lot side where a department store closed, near the Tractor Supply Store. Free. Paved, good Verizon signal. No TV.

parking lot camping
far side, next to closed store

Payson, last week, heading out in a couple of days

I’ve definitely enjoyed my stay in the area. The weather has been awesome, low 80’s mostly, breezy and sunny every day. The locals are friendly, some taking the necessary precautions with the Covid 19 things, others ignoring it completely. I’m sure this is standard all across the country. I continue to wear my mask in public, not sure it’s doing much good, but worth the effort. Also I wash my hands constantly and try to avoid places with lots of people.

I brought my camper in for an oil change/filter as I didn’t have any info as to when it had last been done. Good thing I did, while Big O tire company was checking on it all out as well as cleaning the permanent air filter, they checked all my fluids. Discovering that I was almost completely out of Steering wheel fluid. Had a leak in the hose and the pump needed replacing. Big O was able to order all Mercedes original parts including oil and filter and they were able to install it all the following day. I spent the night parked on the side of the store. I really think my guardian angels are working overtime taking care of me.

At Big O Tire, they do more than just tires

Was awakened about 3 am in the morning when I heard and saw blinking red and white lights coming at me…. I have two windows surrounding my bed. Ekkk! A big ole garbage truck was backing up after picking up a dumpster. Fortunately he didn’t hit me, but wow, what a wake up call.

I was able to have breakfast the next morning at a local restaurant right across the street from the repair shop, with outdoor picnic tables nicely spaced out. Even had lunch later on, as the repairs took until about 1pm that day. It was the first day permitting indoor dining which I did. All the staff were wearing masks, as well as myself. The two other diners spaced every other booth, had no masks on. Well, how do you have lunch anyway with a mask on. I kept mine on until dining…. It was odd, felt almost safe, but still one comes in close contact with the waitress for short periods of time. Noticed the menus had been sanitized before giving them to the customers.

and they sure did a great job

Good news, I’m able to pick up my Florida License plates and mail on Monday before heading out of town. It took over two months to straighten out the paperwork between Arizona and Florida. Florida tried to charge me taxes, which I already paid in Arizona, that was finally settled and we are finally ready to travel “legally” with the new Fl plates.

Side note;  the tag is good until July 2020, really, then pay again to renew....

My neighbors camping across from me the past couple of days are a young French couple with a daughter of perhaps 7 years old. They are traveling the country now for the past 3 years. Working on-line. Looks like they are living out of a modified trailer. I meet so many different travelers/campers. And now that I’m doing more boondocking, it is a whole new set of camper/workers, retirees enjoying the country on a dime that I’m meeting. As the saying goes.

Young French couple and daughter, traveling throughout the
U.S. and working via Internet

Distance Traveled: 86 miles
Holbrook AZ, Route 66

the only thing about travel during this
period is I can't go into shops, or museums to get
more information on the area

Ahh, the open road. And a pleasant drive through Arizona’s pine forests and high country grass lands. I’m heading to Holbrook Az which is on part of the original Route 66. The Wigwam Motel has been on my bucket list for a number of years and I finally was able to see it, walk around all the old rusted out vintage cars and see what for me is the 4th Wigwam village I’ve visited. The owner actually owns a total of three original sites. One in California only has three of the Tee Pees still standing. This one is beautifully maintained. Along with taking pictures of the Wigwam Motel, I was also to explore the town and take a couple fun pictures. it’s close to Petrified National Forest, which I’ve gone through in the past. It’s currently closed, but here in Holbrook, I’m able to see lots of petrified wood trees. Some at the Wigwam Motel, and a number of Rock shops in town.

Wigwam Motel, the 4th one I've seen across country
Orlando had one that I saw in 1972, gone the following year

a part of the Route 66 history
when auto travel became so popular

this was an exciting day for my advventures

With the Covid 19 stuff going on, it’s like visiting a ghost town, almost anyway as there are some of the approved shops, gas stations and fast food restaurant’s that are all open. Though on a good day, many of these small towns were all but eliminated when the Interstate Highways bypassed all the small towns along the Route 66 road. This is Indian country and so many of the reservations have been hit hard with the Covid pandemic.

petrified logs

RV Tips:

I’ve been gradually adding small touches to make the Class C camper my home. Here are two hacks, as my friend Christine call them.

To make a more comfortable seating arrangement/lounge for watching Tv, I put a pillow with arms upside down. One, the pillow doesn’t slide down when leaning against it and the arms are at the proper height to rest my arms on them…. How cool is that?

it may not look pretty, but it is very comfortable

Second, I’ve never had a problem with clothes jumping off the hangers in my 5th wheel campers, but this Class C is different. I find a couple shirts, jackets and jeans on the floor every-time I stop. So, having a couple of those tension rods, I placed one next to the coat hangers and now everything stays in place. Problem solved.

white rod hold the hangers from jumping track

So, although touring is pretty much out for the summer, even though a number of National Parks are going to start opening up on a limited trial basis, and so many towns and stores will remain a challenge to visit and use. It looks like I’ll still be able to visit on the periphery of many of theses destination places and still enjoy the country side, scenery and continue to take as many pictures to share with you.

back in Payson, opposite the Home Depot Store

And of course I’ll be documenting this strange new world we live in, hoping and waiting for the day things will get back to some kind of normalcy.

Except for the occasional feeling of being overwhelmed by everything, Trying to keep safe, clean, and healthy and hoping I haven’t made any mistakes. Did I wash my hands right away after touching something. Did I get too close to someone or did they get too close to me without my knowing it…...

Overall I’m in a pretty good place both mentally, physically and spiritually. Fortunately I was born with an overall positive outlook on life. Along with a big dose of reality thrown in. So on that note, lets keep our distance, wash our hands constantly, and avoid going into to many stores. We can do this.

More photos:

Holbrook Arizona  now this was a fun day for picture taking!

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