Tuesday, May 19, 2020

2020-10 Winslow, Flagstaff, Page Arizona


Winslow Arizona
Flagstaff, Coconino National Forest
Page Arizona
Kanab Utah

Glen Canyon Dam Bridge, Page AZ

Campsite: Little Painted Desert County Park. Couple of picnic tables. Restroom closed. Overlook of the Little Painted Desert. Winslow Arizona. FREE

Little painted desert county Park

Campsite: Coconino NF. Opposite entrance to Sunset Crater Volcano NM. Nice dispersed campsite among tall nicely spaced pine forest. I was fairly close to the entrance, so had lots of vehicles coming and going on the dirt road/lot of dust plumes as they whizzed on by. Might be worth driving a bit further back into the forest. Still a gorgeous setting. FREE

Coconino National Forest

Campsite: Page AZ. Back parking lot of McDonald’s. Specifically for RV’s and trailer towing. Stayed overnight, only one there overnight, very quiet, well lit. Walmart’s across the street was loaded with Rv’s all over the parking lot. FREE

Distance Traveled: 44 miles
Winslow AZ

Made famous by the song “Take it Easy” recorded by the Eagles.

whole wall murals

After waking up from my parking lot location in Holbrook, I took the 38 miles drive to another famous little town along Route 66, (hwy 40) Winslow Arizona. Made famous by the song “Take it Easy” recorded by the Eagles. “Well, I’m a-standin on a corner in Winslow Arizona and such a fine sight to see. It’s a girl, my Lord, in a flatbed Ford slowin’ down to take a look at me.”

A trompe-L’oeil mural by John Pugh and a bronze statue by Ron Adamson of a man standing on the corner with a guitar by his side. Rather than take the usual selfie, which I’m not a big fan of, instead I opted for a cool Iced coffee and sat outside watching all the other tourists take way to many pictures of themselves, standing, hugging, etc with that now famous bronze statue. Two gals took enough pictures to fill a complete album over a 20 minute period. Don’t think they ever looked at the rest of the street or town.

Enjoyed walking around the town, a couple of the tourist shops are open with limits of 5 people at a time in each store. Somehow I wasn’t tempted into buying yet another T-shirt. Did walk down to the La Posada Hotel, one of the most famous of the grand hotels along the Santa Fe rail line and once a Harvey House, which could feed the train passengers in as little as 15 minutes before they would re-board the train. Unfortunately the entrance was closed off, however, I did get a few outside shots. Sure would have enjoyed touring the hotel. But that will have to be another time.

La Posada Hotel

I’m discovering that having my vehicle/home all in one is most advantageous while on the road, touring these little towns. After wandering around town, I can go back to the camper, take a restroom break, stop and check the internet and do some research as to my next stop or find out where things are located in-town. it’s becoming one of my favorite things to do.

While taking one of these breaks, I checked out I-Overlander, an app I’ve downloaded onto my tablet and phone, which gives great info for places to camp, whether it be a commercial campground, or a free roadside stop or BLM camp site. It suggested, Little Painted Desert Count Park which is about a 20 minute drive north of town. So after completing my tour of Winslow, I headed out into flat high country prairie with miles and miles of sage brush stretching to the horizon. The Little Painted Desert park sits along the edge of the Painted Desert. A couple of picnic tables and a closed restroom are around the small loop parking area. So far, a few cars have driven up and the passengers get out, take a few quick shots, get back in and drive off. Probably the same thing I would do, except I’m in no hurry and plan to stay the night.

Little Painted Desert 

Little Painted Desert 

Before leaving the area I visited Homolovi Ruins State Park. $7 self pay entry fee. Aptly named as this site contains a few large 1,200 room pueblo structures dating back to the 12th and 13th century. Although the ruins were just that, as this site was decimated by thieves looting the ruins for Indian pots and other treasures. Still it provides additional knowledge of how vast the Native Indian culture was throughout the west.

I might add, although I was able to drive to each site and do a bit of self guided touring, the visitor center/museum was closed and I didn’t see another soul anywhere. Well, except for a half dozen wild mules grazing on the high desert grass. The campground is open, via online registration only.

pot shards were everywhere, please don't take any with you
leave them where you found them.

Distance Traveled: 68 miles
Forest, north of Flagstaff

All highway driving on I-40 then north a short distance along hwy 89.

More forest camping just north of Flagstaff. In the morning I headed on the loop road through Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument and Wupatki National Monument. I was able stop at the many turn outs along the way through Sunset Crater. Lots of black laval and views of the volcano. The quaking Aspen and pines against the black lava fields were dramatic. Further on up the loop road through Wupatki NM, unfortunately I was not able to amble around any of the adobe structures as all were closed. A couple were visible from the main road, but the parking lots were closed, or roads leading to them blocked off. What a shame, as I had been here about 10 years ago, and had missed a number of the sites. These Pueblo structures are in excellent condition and well worth the effort to visit. But that will have to wait until another time.

Sunset Volcano surrounded by lava fields

Sunset Volcano crater

Wupatki National Monument, closed at this time
the dramatic pueblo's are not view-able from
the main loop roads

Wupatki National Monument

Distance traveled: 119 miles
Page AZ

Well thank goodness I didn’t take Alt 89 which is a steep road along the edge of the Vermilion Cliffs. I had done that one years ago. Instead I took a longer route to get into Utah, hwy 89. Well, should have known, it too was a steep incline a couple thousand feet to the top. However, the road was excellent, and easy to travel on and there was a spectacular “scenic view” area ¾ of the way to the top. The camper handled the grade beautifully I might add. The shear size of the mountain ranges and dramatic sandstone cliffs and buttes are breathtaking.

Page Az, Colorado River area

Glen Canyon Dam, Colorado River

this is Indian country, many roadside tourist gift sheds
along hwy 89, currently closed with Covid 19

What a dramatic drive along hwy 89 into Page AZ
road is well maintained as I climbed a couple thousand feet

I stayed overnight in the McDonald’s back parking lot designated for Rv’s and trailers, not bad for in town rest stop. But I was eager to get to Kanab Utah.

Distance Traveled: 75 Miles
Kanab Utah.

From Page, entering Utah, the scenery changes dramatically. The sandstone walled cliffs turn from a dark ominous red to a lighter terracotta color and the mountains ranges begin to show signs of more vegetation. Kanab is a delightful western town, surrounded by dramatic mountain ranges on all sides. One that I particularly enjoy visiting. The shops and restaurants are beginning to open up slowly. Lots of unique shops and lots of places to explore.

My next report will tell more about this western town…. and photos galore.

More Photos:

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