Friday, April 10, 2020

2020-3 Self Quarantine, RV style, Parker Arizona


Self Quarantine, RV style
2nd Week on the Road.

Campground: BLM Big River. Boondocking. Dry camping, dispersed sites. California side but very close to Parker Az.  $.00

Campground:  Buckeye State Park, AZ.  $15 to use their dump station and fill tank with fresh water.

Big River BLM, approx 4 miles from Parker AZ

Distance Traveled: 45 miles.

I’m going on my second full week of boondocking. It’s my way to self quarantine. Remaining as best I can by stay away from folks during this spring/summer of Corona virus concerns.

My camper, Zippy is performing beyond my expectations. My fresh water holding tank looks like it will easily go for a good 2+ weeks before I will need to fill it up. With that, the gray tank and black water tank will obviously last that long before needing to use a dump station.

My power needs are being met sharply with the two 100 amp hour lithium Ion batteries recently installed. And now that I have two 200 watt solar panels to charge them daily, they provide all the basic power I need with plenty of power remaining at the start of each day. The monitor screens usually indicate that I have between 76 and 80% power remaining each morning. Which will be very helpful on those days when the skies are overcast or raining out.

The on board generator provides all the a/c power I need to operate the coffee pot, toaster, and microwave when ever I need too. It’s also capable running the air-conditioner as well. With the fuel source being the diesel fuel, also used to run Mercedes engine up front, I have plenty of fuel to run it as often as I like.

Because I am doing my best to stay in place, even with the ability to travel, my plans are to remain in each location for at lease two weeks before moving on to the next dispersed campsite. I was surprised to find out that Arizona’s state parks are still open, but have no plans to use them presently. Except as a place to use their dump station and fill fresh water.

With Easter only a few days away, instead of finding Easter Eggs, I've been finding painted rocks. I might have to start a new craft project and do something similar while on the road.

back side indicates who put the rock
to be found

I contacted the artist to let
her know I was keeping this one

left this one in place to other to remind
folks "leaving it cleaner than you found it"

Life is definitely different for the whole world. I am noticing that in many places, many people are still not getting the need to keep their distance. Or take this virus seriously.

So what are my days like so far. Well, having always enjoyed going out to lunch. That is off the books for the most part. I have loaded a few phone apps for ordering food for take out. But am still concerned about who touches the packaging and hands it to me. So will be limiting that procedure for now. McDonald's is the easiest to order curbside and having them bring out to the camper, with payment being done electronically so no sharing of germs handling money.

I’m going for morning walks daily with an evening walk as well. Not as much exercise as I need, but it will have to do for now.

little finds along my daily walks

already gone to seed, but pretty none the less

a rock garden

cactus flowers in bloom, did you know they only last one day

I continue to learn more about the camper and it’s workings. The motor homes radio/navigation unit are working to a certain degree, but I will need to replace it down the road when time and current events permit. I don’t actually use the navigation, as I use google maps on my cell phone and have for years. The stereo unit doesn’t always function properly. I can have it on a radio station and suddenly it will begin scrolling through all the stations for no reason at all. Coming back to the selected station and starting all over again. I do have nice overhead speakers throughout the coach providing nice surround sound. Occasionally the whole unit will go to a screen that I’m unable to change and I have to use a pin to select the hidden reset button. But like I said, I’ll replace the unit once current circumstances permit.

The size of the camper if quite sufficient for my needs though I believe I’ll eventually remove the dinette set and put in a comfy lounge chair and table. That again will be on down the road.

I am really pleased with the way the Solera motor home handles. I have driven it on the highway a couple of times going 65 mph with gusty winds and except for a few stronger gusts of wind, it handles quite well and is pretty stable driving in those conditions. I get a consistent 12-13 mpg. Which is equivalent to what I was averaging with the Chevy truck, even without towing anything.

Boondocking Community

I’ve been here at Big River BLM site for a little over a week now and in the past couple of days, neighbors in my area have begun to stop by and say hi. Steven is a divorced guy and has been doing this for about 12 years now, traveling in a 5th wheel camper and Ford 350 truck. A avid fly fisherman, which I could tell immediately as he was wearing a fishing vest. He plans to head up to Montana for the summer where he does much of his fly fishing. We had a nice chat regarding the safety of being in a dispersed camp setting. 

The next day a couple in a motor home, motorcycle hitched on the front and towing a small truck w/cab over the bed. They’ve been doing this for 12 years as well. 4 large solar panels on the roof. Today they had a visitor who’s been staying here at Big River probably longer than I have. Indicating that many of the full-time Rvers eventually get to know each other. The next day, chilly as it was, I went for my walk, have these fine folks came out to have a chat with me.  So nice to have warm friendly neighbors, even if we have to talk from a distance.  

Fixed Laptop.

Well after a couple of years having major issues with the touch pad on my HP laptop, I finally figured one was to completely disable it. I placed 5 index cards over the touch-pad and controls with tape. Now it only recognizes my portable mouse. No longer does the mouse and screen jump around every time I get near the touch pad. Little victories, but one I really appreciate.

my not so elegant solution to stop
the touch screen from making the pointer
jump all over the screen.  I use a mouse instead 

Face Masks.

My dear friends Martha and Jerry were kind enough to think of me and insisted on sending me a couple of home made face masks. Really well done. Already feel safer when needing to go into a store for supplies. To have such caring friends during this time is almost overwhelming.
The BLM land I am currently on is normally only a 14 day stay site. However, talking to a couple of other campers, they indicate that the BLM staff are permitting us to stay longer for self isolation reasons. I feel comfortable at this site. At least until it starts to heat up Currently temps are in the low 70’s daytime and around 50 degrees at night. The couple days it hit the 80’s, it’s been very comfortable on the shady side of the camper and with a few windows open, there’s enough of a breeze to keep the inside of the camper pleasantly comfortable as well.

Not much to take pictures of since I'm not driving around during this time of recommending us all to stay in place.  But I found this neat abandon building at a crossroads on my way to and from the campsite.

Well, I think that’s enough small talk for now. Be safe, stay healthy and I’ll do likewise and one day we will almost be back to normal. Most indications are that we will have to be in this mode for at least 8 months. Don’t let up your guard too soon.

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