Friday, April 3, 2020

2020-2 A New Adventure Begins ((Self Quarantine in a Class C)


A Roving Report

Vehicle: Solara by Forest River

Quartzsite BLM land

A New Adventure has Begun

Campground: Empire Ranch, Sonoita Az. Free dispersed campsites. Water available near historic Ranch Houses

Campground: Hi-Jolly BLM campground, free, dispersed campsites. 1 mile north of Quartzsite AZ.

Distance Traveled: 56 miles

Empire Ranch.  one of my favorite places
only stayed a few days, was cold and windy
Welcome back to my 16th year of summer travels. Not even counting the effort it has taken to get to this point, we full-time RV-ers have an added concern with the closure of many State and Federal campground closures due to the Corona virus. This report will follow some of my efforts to get to this point and the concerns you, I and the whole world are facing in the coming months.

My previous report mentioned the months I took attempting to find the right Small Class C camper. I needed it be be small enough that I could park it just about anywhere, as I would not be towing a small tow vehicle behind it. A slide out was a top priority but I could have done ok without it if the unit was good overall. Diesel engine for best gas mileage, and must be fully contained. Generator, solar, good battery backup. And most of all it had to be within my budget.

I settled on the Solara 24ft Class C. Mercedes diesel engine. A few improvements were added. I could only afford One 200 watt solar panel and two lithium Ion batteries, which was a really smart move as they retain tons of backup power and almost everything in the new camper runs off of D.C. power including the two TV’s. A small 200 watt inverter (may need to upgrade to 400 watt) for the few times I need a/c power works fine. And I had to replace the water pump and the sacrificial rod in the water heater.

Enough electronics to keep me connected.
Verizon cell phone and Tablet have hotspot connections
ROKU keeps me connected to TV, movies, YouTube

Ready to Head Out

That being said, I was ready to head out. Well not quite. Transferring my clothes, food, toiletries, and every electronic device in the world to keep me connected with you and the world had to be done over a week or two. The final push was Wednesday when I finished up transferring the food in the refrigerator, and closing up the 5th wheel for the foreseeable future. That included putting aluminum insulation on windows and filling buckets of water to be staged throughout the camper. As it’s being stored in the desert with the usual very dry 100 degree weather.

Along with making arrangements for someone to drive my truck a couple of days a week during the summer, paying storage fees upfront, finalizing lease agreements on one of my RV lots in Florida, which almost fell through at the last minute, and the continuing saga of trying to get the title properly signed and forwarded to Florida so I can get the Class C camper license plates, my head was swimming in a pool of way too much mental exercise for someone who’s been retired for going on 16 years.

The corona virus has put a new kink on things as well. With so many camp closures would I be able to find a place to camp. Fortunately as things have a way of working out, with the need to distance ourselves for the public, friends and family, the boondocking aspects of the Solara camper fits perfectly into that need to stay a goodly distance away for folks. My goal at this time is to stay only at boondocking, or dispersed campsite.

As I’ve mentioned the Class C camper is fully self contained so that I don’t need to be connected to electric, water or sewer for up to about two weeks. I can get diesel fuel, propane, water and in some cases even dump at a bigger gas station. Having many phone apps to find those resources makes it pretty easy.

desert flowers always give hope
for renewed life

Distance Traveled: 288 miles

First Stop, Empire Ranch to Quartzsite AZ

I left the beautiful Empire Ranch, which at a few thousand feet higher than Tucson, was going to be around 30 degrees at night and windy over the weekend. So, with the thought that I really did need two solar panels instead of the one, I’m returning to Solar Bill’s in Quartzsite to have a second one installed. Since they are about to close for the season, I needed to get up here quickly.

On Monday, the extra panel was installed and it is working it’s magic. The two Lithium Ion batteries are very powerful and I can have the radio/tv on in the day or evening hours, lights on (LED’s) and have the furnace run at night when needed. After all it gets pretty cold in the desert at night. So with lots of power and of course the generator when I need it for the kitchen appliances and during hot summer days it will be able to run the a/c as needed, I’m all set to remain in dispersed campsites for the travel season. Though travel will be at a much slower pace and little tourist type activities since all those places are closed for the foreseeable future.

Although I am solo in my travels I do not feel alone. Currently, while at Hi-Jolly, I have many fellow campers within view, but with plenty of space between. I can have a conversation with anyone sitting outdoors from a more than safe distance. So needless to say the stress levels are going down.

Having the internet for communications, texting, phone, FB communities to share with and temporarily Verizon has supposedly added an additional 15 gig of hot-spot access to my phone and tablet. Providing more than enough to use my ROKU for Tv access even when no over-the-air Tv signals are available. I even get many news broadcasts including channel 9 from Orlando Fl. So I can keep up with the latest goings on in what I consider my home area. I lived in Orlando for over 35 years.

Next stop Parker Az, about 44 miles north of here, as I slowly continue my trek north. Plan B is always to head back to Desert Trails in Tucson if need be. Hoping to continue on my solo journey with safety in mind.

Take care, be safe, keep your distance….

Till next time… dougp

Notes on safety procedures:
  • go grocery shopping no more than once a week, attempt to go only every other week.
  • Gas station, pay outside. Use spray bottle with bleach water on pump and key pad. wash hands after. Do not go inside gas station.
  • Laundry.  Wait at least 10 days, to two weeks to do laundry.  Don't go in if crowded.
  • McDonalds and other fast-food ok only if using app to order and pay, pick up curb side. Remove food from bag/wrappings, wash had immediately. wipe drink cup with bleach/water.

note: need to find something to use for face mask...

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