Friday, February 18, 2011

2011-03 February Ramblings

February Ramblings.
Photo club, close up shots

 In the last report I told about some of the activities that a Snowbird (Rv winter campers) do during the winter months.  One of those activities is that many of us catch up on our Doctors appointments.  I remember when I was younger I’d see a doctor maybe once a year.  Now I have a dermatologist, eye specialist and general practitioner.  With all of those appointments finally over with, I’m ready to get back on the road.  Which won’t be for another month, but it’s nice to get some of the “maintenance” things out of the way.

I’ve taken over the Photography Club here at Desert Trails and we’ve had a couple really nice sessions on close up photography as well as composition.  It’s been a real joy sharing tips and exchanging ideas with other photographers.  Along those lines, I’ve finally gotten up the gumption to have a one man photography show early next month.  I’ve framed and matted about 35 pictures and I think some are quite stunning.  Hopefully the show will be well received.
Photo club practicing composition shots

We had sad news the other day, as the owner of the park, Pericles Wyatt’s wife, Kyoko passed away after an extended illness.  The entire park is in mourning  over the loss.  Our hearts go out to the Wyatt family.

The huge gem show ended last weekend here in Tucson.  Where sellers and buyers of all types of rocks and gems are sold to folks from all over the world.  Everything from fossilized stones, crystals and even displays of the largest gold nuggets in the world can be seen.  Prices are ridiculously low on much of the jewelry.  PS, I kept my wallet in my pocket thank you very much.  We heard of one guy from Florida who has fossilized stone that he cuts in big slabs and brings here each year.  This year he sold out within 3 days.  Perhaps the world economy is making a change for the better.
photo club composition shot

One of our Rv neighbors who hale from Alaska were kicked out of the park.  Now that doesn’t happen very often, but when they continued to let their two well behaved dogs run around without a leash, it was too much and they were asked to leave.  Word was they’d drop their dogs off at the dog run, a fenced in area for the dogs to play together, and then would just leave them there for a while.  Not cleaning up any messes the dogs made afterwards.

I participated in a yard sale and sold a ton of stuff that no longer is needed or wouldn’t fit in the new camper.  I even had a gallon jug, minus the wine that came in it, that I sold for $1.  It was sort of a joke to see if I could sell it, and being a good salesman, I sold it for $1.  All my friends and neighbors were amazed that I sold it.  The rest of the stuff unsold was brought to the local Good Will store to help them in their cause of doing good in the community.

And this past week our Writers Club performed in front of a very appreciative audience in the rec-hall.  I read one of my Roving Reports from the Keys.  There were some really good stories and hopefully I’ll get permission to reproduce a couple of them here so you can ready them.  (to be posted in separate Blog reports)
Photo Club practicing "composition"
Note:  I'm also on Facebook often post notes between Blog reports there.

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