Sunday, January 9, 2011

2011-02 A week in the Life of a Snowbird

A week in the Life of a Snowbird.

You may wonder what we snowbirds do in the winter, with so much time on our hands.  Of course as a snowbird, that means that we Rv’ers migrate to the warmer states, AZ, Fl, and TX being the most popular.  I’m staying again this year at Desert Trails which is about 12 miles out on the west side of Tucson AZ.

Desert Trails is one of those “active” communities of retirees where it seems everyone is always on the go.  As an example of things I do throughout the week, here are a few examples.

Ruby Ghost Town

The previous week I went on a outing back to Ruby Ghost Town.  A great place for our photo club even though it’s about 4 miles from the Mexican boarder and there have been quite a few shooting in near the boarder.  You can See more photo’s on my PICAS web site.

Monday:  Attend the Monday morning coffee and donut meeting in the clubhouse, where Pericles, the owner of Desert Trails tells us everything that’s scheduled for the coming week and any changes to the monthly schedule.  Pericles also throws in some awful jokes which, as corny as they are, are always well received and a great way to start the week, just a few laughs and info thrown in for good measure.

After the meeting, I may go on the weekly bike ride, which always includes lunch somewhere out and about.  This week, I opted to help some volunteers pick up garbage along San Joaquin and Bopp Roads.  We went out in groups of 4 and walked both sides of the road for approx. a mile, each group taking a different section.  I found a dime, another guy in our group found a $5 bill.

If I have time, Monday afternoons is the time to enjoy the jam session where a group of musicians get together and play usually country and folk music with the occasional old time spiritual.

Tuesday:  Usually a great day to do chores like cleaning the camper or washing the truck, having lunch out and in the evening attending a concert in the rec. hall.  This past week a couple sang with absolutely perfect pitch, voices that rang with crystal clarity and their guitar, piano and banjo playing were top notch.

Wednesday:  Writers Club, where I get to share some of my stories I’ve written and blog material as well as listen to some really great authors in their own voice.  And some have the most resonant voices for telling their tales.  Later, there may be time for a nice hike out into the desert.  This past Wed.  I had to miss the writers club to go to Tubac with the photography group to take pictures and experience a really cool old town that has become an artist haven along with a historical Az State park and a Mission now preserved by the National Park.  In the evening it’s Bingo, but I don’t usually attend.
Tubac AZ

Thursday:  Free day to do anything I want.  Usually I read book, this weeks it‘s an historical book, John Adams (our 2nd U.S. President) by David McCullough,  go shopping and more entertainment in the evening.

Friday:  I joined the Geo-caching club for an outing.  We drive out of town usually to some park or Gov land where Geo-caches have been hidden.  We all use our Garman’s, or Droid or I-phone’s to get the GPS coordinates and try and find the caches.  A Great outdoor sport, seeing places one would not normally go and find a hidden treasure hidden under a rock, in a tree limb or tucked in fence post.  If you bring a small trinket to put in the box, you can take one out of the cache as a prize.  Afternoon it’s the photography club meeting.

Later in the afternoon around 4pm (it’s 5 o’clock somewhere) we have an impromptu cocktail hour.  The gas fireplace is turned on, the sun is beginning to set behind the palm trees and mesquite trees and the sky turn all red and orange.

Saturday:  Enjoy a good cup of coffee along with a cinnamon bun a neighbor has dropped by as I read the Saturday News paper.  A walk around the park and before you know it, a couple friends ask for assistance with their new Droid Verizon phone.  About a dozen folks in the park have just upgraded to the new droid smart phones so it’s a constant sharing of how to use the new devices.  Later, I’m asked to provide additional training to two more friends on creating a BLOG.  It’s really enjoyable to share what knowledge I have on these subjects.  I  probably should have been a teacher as I love to share new things and teach others how to use their computers and electronic devices.  It’s pure fun for me.

Sunday is finally here and I get to relax.  Maybe go to the Tohno O’Odum Indian swap meet (flea-market). Have Lunch out as usual.  Visit with friends and get ready for another busy week ahead.  Time really does fly by and it’s nice to just sit back and watch the clouds drift by once and a while.  Besides, it’s been too chilly lately to go for a swim in the pool.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how you keep up that busy schedule, you must be near exhausted. :)

    We are in Yuma for a while, the weather is starting to finally get really nice.

    Enjoy your winter,


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