Orlando (not a trip report, just a visit with old friends)

A five and a half hour flight, a minor delay waiting to get a rental car in Orlando and I was finally settled into my hotel on Tuesday evening.
I got up early and had free breakfast at the La Quanta that I’m staying at. Headed out to get my drivers license renewed. On my way there a beautifully big owl flew super low across traffic lanes, bounce off my windshield, flew over the roof of my rental and landed smack in the middle of the car behind me (that was tail gating me anyway) , windshield. The poor owl then slid off and fell flopping on the side of the road. I don’t think it made it.
At the drivers license bureau it was a simple process where I had to have my eyes checked, picture taken (3 times) and paid the new rate for a license, $48. A few minutes later I had my new drivers license and it’s good for 8 years. Yippee! I understand fees have tripled in Fla. for vehicle registrations and tags.
Did a little investigative shopping. Have you ever done that? First stopped into a Best Buy and proceeded to ask half a dozen sales persons about everything from my Verizon plan, the latest phones and upcoming changes to my air-card plan. Discovered I can get Internet access on my future new phone for only an additional $15 a month. I love electronics so had to check out the latest digital cameras and the new lightweight camcorders. Do I see a new device in my future? Then it was over to the lap top computers to ogle over the latest units available. BB’s prices were not all that great. Next I went to the Barnes and Knobbles book store, not to buy any books (I have enough to keep me in good reading for now), but to check out what’s new and ask more questions about authors. The new Dan Brown book will be out in Sept and I’d love to read it when it comes out. A super nice bookie (is that what you call a book seller?) discussed favorite authors and he turned me on to some authors I’ve never read. Got a note pad and wrote down a ton of good info on authors I might be interested in. Left with tons of good info and it didn’t cost me a cent.

Lunch with former co-workers. What a great get together, Loyd L, Rose S, Kim, John S, Jeff R, Linda, Olive and Fred. A big round table at Red Lobster and lots of good food and conversation that went on for hours.
Stopped into NAVAIR’s Research Park bldg that I used to work in. It was an RDO (regular day off) and with a holiday weekend the place was mostly deserted. Fine with me, I just wanted to take a quick look around and leave a couple notes on friends white boards. Linda showed me the latest on a program called TIERS which I had previously worked on. Nice to see a program taking off and being used successfully.
More get togethers continued throughout the week. Including a visit with my buddies at the Mill. Having a bit of a time with sinus/allergies. Finally had to run out and get some meds for it. My body isn’t used to the heat/humidity and then the cool and damp interiors and of course the afternoon rains.
Stopped by an HHGregg store. First time in one of those stores. Bought a DVD player for all of $12.95. What a deal.
Downtown Orlando has grown. Lots of condos and high-rise apartments…. Most are empty.

The historical fountain in Lake Eola got hit with lightning recently and is no longer working. They don’t know what to do with it. Old, costly to repair. Orlando is spread out and there is still construction going on in the many many gated communities that make up the city.
And then before I knew it, I was back on the plane heading back to Seattle Washington. I came back with a horrific sinus infection which I’m just getting over now. Staying in sick hotels isn’t fun.
This is my last day in the Shelton area and then I’ll be heading into Oregon. I plan on driving down the coast and visiting many of the small sea side towns and villages.
Doug, It's not just the hotel A/C but more likely the re-cycled air in the planes that cause sinus problems.
Fantastic photos. We lived in Portland from about 8 months and were constantly traveling up and down the Oregon coast. It is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing the photos.
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