Sunday, March 11, 2018

2018-6 Tucson Arizona


Tucson Arizona

Tucson Arizona, last report before heading out....

March 2018

campground: 15 more days at private residence in Tucson. $250 for 15 days, full hookups

campground: Empire Ranch. Boonedocking (dry camping) cost: $0. Stunning setting on former ranch with original long prairie grasses, cattle, etc. see next report....

There are so many different ways to travel through this life. Of course we all have had to work, take care of our homes and maybe occasionally travel. But when we are able to retire, the options for “what to do” expand as far as our imaginations will allow.

I am so glad I found the Rv lifestyle, especially for the places and people I meet along the way. The number of friends I've made in the Rv community has been a real joy. So, once I got back out to Arizona, what have I done? Well the previous report will give you some idea and I'll continue on the same vein today.

Exploring the area, you'd think I'd have seen it all and done it all by now, having visited the Tucson area for a good half a dozen years or more. But there's always something new.

Parker Lake

Parker Lake, southern Arizona

Tom, Christine, Ruth-Ann, Kathy and Randy and I took a day trip up into the moutains to Parker Lake. Not all that far from the Mexican boarder. Half the fun was the drive out into the country, up the mountain passes higher and higher until we finally arrived at the tree line and a bit further and we were at Parker Dam Lake. A cool bright sunny day with intense blue skies greeted us for our walk around the lake, a visit to the remote campground (no hookups) but water was available along with a country store that occasionally has prepared lunch fare when the mood strikes. We had brought picnic fare to enjoy while sitting next to the lake.

Nogales Mexico

Another day would bring a small group of us across the boarder into Nogales Mexico where we played tourist to numerous vendors all wanting to sell us their trinkets. Blankets, silver jewelry, brightly painted tin outdoor decorations and Mexican pottery. And of course a stop at one of the phamaceies to check out current prices of prescription drugs, often cheaper than purchasing them in the states. Many U.S. Citizens come across the boarder to get teeth worked on as well as eyeglasses.

As Susan mentioned, it's not always easy going over the boarder, as there are so many needy people asking for a hand out or hoping you'll buy something from them. The blind man asking for help near the entrance into Nogales along with a person in a wheel chair, all making it hard to just walk on by and not give them something. We would go over a pedestrian walkway to LaRoca Bar and Restaurant. Tons of local charm, the back wall being carved out of the mountain side. A mariachie band playing in the background, good service and food in one of the few upscale places in town. A must for tourists as well as locals. Thanks Christine and Tom for buying our lunch today.

it was a quiet day, not many shoppers

a recently remodeled hotel in Nogales Mexico 
a favorite shot, taken at a dead end st

the boarder wall does exist....

Travel Club 101

travel club fun

awesome, meeting friends from Houghton Michigan!

I've also been leading the TRAVEL CLUB, as we explore places to visit in various U.S. States. The meeting have been well attended, even when they have not been overly advertised. I get to not only share some Rv tips, Rv travel apps, but along the way as we discuss each state, like Arizona, Florida, Utah and others, I often am able to pick up some good tips from the audience as well. Only adding to my ever expanding bucket list of places to visit. So far we've shared info on Arizona, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and Utah.

full powered generator can operate A/C and all
appliances in camper.  Along with my solar panels
it has expanded my options for Boone-docking greatly 

I recently purchased a good sized Westinghouse generator (WGen 3600df) that can run on gas or propane fuel. It even comes with a remote control. It's capable of running one a/c unit as well as the microwave with no problem. I consider it a backup to my three solar panels and battery storage for those days when sunlight just isn't available. Although I'm not particularly fond of the additional noise a generator makes, it will enable to me “boondock” just about anywhere. And the western part of the U.S. Has a ton of locations to choose from.


I've added an additional resource to my list of apps/web sites for finding campgrounds and it's called CAMPPENDIUM. I think it will be a great  additional resource for all of us Rv'ers.

I've also had a couple of the usual Doctors appointments, three being to the Glaucoma specialist and one to a general practitioner for my annual checkup and medication renewals. All is well at this time.

Wayne's World Autos, Tucson AZ

Another intown adventure was a trip to Wayne's World. A collection of vintage autos. I particularly liked the Cadillac restored to perfection. Afterwords our group went to CowTown, a great lunch menu with everthing from the expected steak to some excellent seafood choices.

this Studebaker was built the year I was born

Cattle Town

my favorite, a 1950 Cadillac

beautiful lines

the 1950 Cadillac

a woody, restored


And a few pictures from my regular walks around Kennedy Lake, Tucson Az.

More photos:

Waynes World

next week I'll share my move to Empire Ranch....

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