Friday, August 11, 2017

2017-21 Tioga Pennsylvania and Watkins Glen New York


Hammon Lake,Ives Run Campground

Tioga Pennsylvania (Part 2)
Watkins Glen New York

Campground: Ives Run Recreation area. COE park. (2nd week) (see previous report for more info)

Being only about 15 miles from the New York boarder, I had to drive back into the state to do a bit more touring. First stop was to Corning NY and yes it's where the Corning factory is as well as an awesome glass museum, but I was only in town long enough to have breakfast and pick up a prescription at Walgreen's. And then it was onto Watkins Glen, home of a Nascar racetrack as well as the Watkins Glen State Park where I was about to go on an amazing waterfalls hike through the deep canyon that they call a glen. The town sits at the southern end of Seneca Lake and is one of the finger lakes in New York.

Watkins Glen State Park

Watkins Glen State Park

I paid my $5 entrance fee and entered from the South entrance to the park, though I could have entered right from main street downtown as the glen exits right in town. No I took the more scenic route which I'll tell you right off the bat involved all of the 800+ steps leading down into the gorge and eventually back up along what is called Jacob's ladder, at 180 steps. Along with the mile and a half walk one way, the steps alone gave me my workout for the day. Though I hardly noticed the steps as I encountered one after another of the 19 waterfalls along the gorge trail. Well actually those last 180 steps of Jacob's ladder just about did me in.

The layers of slate rock forms the most distinctive vertical walls creating the canyon effect along the trail that leads one to each of the waterfalls and gentle spillways. I was able to view them from above, below, from behind the waterfalls and even through them. With multiple stairways, tunnels and cavern like walkways opening up to one after another better views than the last one. What a fun and unexpected treat.

I might mention that the day I went was the Monday after the big Nascar races and their was a steady stream of Rv's exiting the area. Just about every other vehicle was a travel trailer, motor home or 5th wheel camper. Policemen directing traffic throughout town and roads exiting the area. They tell me the Rv-ers pay up to $800 for the long weekend to be at the racetrack. Soooo glad I wasn't a part of that group.

19 waterfalls
the beginning of my tour, after descending about 50 steps 

deep gorges to walk through

800+ steps, well worth the effort

each view better than the previous one

tunnels and cave like entrances to explore

a mile and a half of wonderful waterfalls

and great trails through caverns

and those steps leading to more waterfalls and gorge views

one of my favorite spots

the tree shows how high the water often gets in the spring runnoff

walking under one of the falls

dramatic views from below and from across the bridge

a curtain of water 

the gorge was as stunning as the waterfalls in it

what a great way to spend a morning

RV Solar Panel Update. As you know from my previous report, I'm spending two weeks at a COE campground and my campsite has no hookups. With that said, my solar panels are working out perfectly and the weather is awesome being only in the mild 78-80 degree range during the days and cool evenings making for great sleeping weather. The batteries charge up quickly in the morning and I'm able to use everything except the microwave as I don't want to damage it since it uses so much power to operate. Coffee pot, TV, Roku, radio, charging all my electronic devices, lights, furnace to take the chill out of the air in the mornings. And of course it's nice to be able to have all the windows open during the day to catch those refreshing breezes off of the lake. Couldn't be more pleased with their operation. And fortunately I have not been parked next to any of the other campers who are using noisy generators throughout the day. Life is good “off the grid”.

Needless to say I've enjoyed my two week stay here in Tioga Pennsylvania, meeting a few fellow campers. Learning about their future plans for more camping. Doing little projects around the camper to as well as just relaxing, reading a good book and taking that all important afternoon siesta.

I'd like to thank all those who have kept in contact with me this summer. You can't imagine how nice it is to hear from you as I travel around the country. I feel so much closer to you my friends, fellow travelers and of course all important relatives, whenever you have the chance to drop me a line. And I hope you realize that when I'm writing my blog reports, I often think of each and every one of you as I always feel you are a part of my journey.

Have a super great day,,,,, till the next report

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