Sunday, July 10, 2016

2016-19 Jamestown New York, continued


Jamestown New York, continued

during their happier days together

Campground:  Top-A-Rise camping.  See last weeks report.  Note on park.  Because they have so much grass, you’ll probably hear the lawnmowers most days during the week and walks through the park will set off every dog barking.  Most summer residents have two or more dogs.

Jamestown New York

Happy July 4th.  I spent the day in Jamestown at the Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez Museum.  It’s divided into two museums next to each other, with one price to enter both.  An additional charge for a audio tour which I would not recommend purchasing.  The reason not to get the audio tour is that each display has easy to read placards and many have audio presentations which compete with the audio tour device if you decide to use one.

loved the authentic tv stage sets

I really enjoyed the displays of memorabilia and the Tv set recreations of the I Love Lucy show were awesome.  Giving the feeling of being right there where the shows were filmed.  Of course the reason for the museum being in Jamestown is that Lucille Ball was raised in the area and she often came back, never forgetting her roots.  Later that evening, I was able to watch a few old movies with Lucille Ball as the lead actress on GetTV.  1950 era movies, fun to watch.

great TV sets, do you remember the three apartments?

this was when they moved to a new apartment in NY

all her dresses were custom made
many with polka dots

this is the hotel setting in Hollywood

The downtown area was very quiet it being a National holiday.  When I got back to my truck, I saw my keys on the front seat.  The doors were locked of course.  Ekk.  Fortunately, years ago, I had put a spare set of keys in a magnetic box attached to a secret location on the truck.  After feeling around for a couple of minutes, I finally found the little box, removed the spare key and was on my way.  Thank goodness I planned ahead years ago for such an event.

one could even buy the bedroom suite that
was featured on the I Love Lucy show

Dunkirk New York on Lake Erie

Another day I drove the 45 minutes it took to reach Dunkirk, a small town along Lake Erie.  The Dunkirk Lighthouse being the attraction.  I had a nice guided tour, The first floor looks much as the light keeps house would have looked.  The second floor museum rooms are filled with war memorabilia and wasn’t exactly what I expected in a lighthouse tour.  Of course I had to have lunch overlooking lake Erie.  The Lake Erie shoreline through upstate New York has a number of small worn out towns that have all seen their better days, many years ago.  A few state parks along the shore have campsites, but only have 20 amp service.  Would be great in the fall or springtime when a/c isn’t needed.

the Dunkirk Lighthouse keepers house

the spooky doll and the ball that moved out of the bowl on it's own.
they say the lighthouse is haunted by two children and one adult

many lighthouse paintings by a Canadian artist

inside the lighthouse

you can Canada 25 miles on the other side
of Lake Erie on a clear day

Lake Erie

Not many things bug me while at a campground.  I don’t mind the kids yelling and having a good time on weekends.  I don’t even mind the smell and smoke from smoldering campfires.  The two things that are a bit bothersome to me is the constant use of loud lawnmowers during the week.  It’s so quiet until they start up cutting row after row of green lawn.  The other thing that’s a bit disconcerting is when I go for a walk through a park like Top-A-Rise campground and it sets off every dog in the park to barking.  Along with the dogs barking, there’s usually a chorus of owners yelling, “no barking”, “quiet, I said no barking”, “no one wants to hear you barking”…. Like the poor animals have a clue what they are saying.  In the mean time, I’m trying to enjoy a walk around the park and hate that I’m causing such a ruckus through what should be a pleasant stroll.  Later I discover if I go to the front of the park I can walk along the roadway and look out over the hills and farms where it’s very quiet and peaceful.  I always walk against traffic in case I need to get further off the roadside.  Kelly and Rusty would love this park as it is surrounded by an 18 hole gulf course.

The area is quite hilly with a mix of forests, Amish farms and a scattering of vineyards.  Pleasant temperatures in the mid 80’s with evenings in the 59-60 degree range.  Couldn’t ask for better weather.

Lilly Dale, a place to contemplate

Lilly Dale

Lilly Dale

Lilly Dale has it's own boat dock and swimming beach

July 10th,  Happy Birthday to me.  I’m taking myself on a lake cruise which includes a lunch buffet.  Arrived in time for the 12:15 boarding.  It was an enjoyable cruise along Lake Chautauqua and the buffet lunch turned out excellent as I was able to find some great choices for my low carb diet.  I was seated next to a lovely lady named Kay and of course we had a great conversation.  They didn’t announce my name when announcing birthdays and wedding anniversaries, but that’s alright as I know I’m a year older and that good enough for me.

Lake Chautauqua 

The summer wind

Kay, my lunch partner, she got stung by a wasp

the buffet lunch was excellent!

the ugly statue of Lucille Ball in her
hometown of Celoron NY, oh and that's me at 67
PS, the town does know it's an "ugly" statue

Till my next report, have a super great day, I know mine was.

more pictures at:

Lucy and Desi Museum

Dunkirk Lighthouse

Old Barns

Summer Wind Cruise and old barns


  1. Enjoyed the tour around the museum of Luci and Dezi.....Happy Belated Birthday!!!!! and I have to agree with you...That is one ugly statue of Lucille Ball!!!!

  2. Good day Doug, It is Ron from our meeting at Viento. Thanks again for helping me on my first 5th wheel backing up experience. I can now report that with some effort, Jane and I can park it by ourselves. We are in the northwest again near Leavenworth on the east side of the Cascades in Washington. Looks like you are having a great time on the east coast. Love your tips and great, easy writing style. Travel well, Ron


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