Friday, May 24, 2013

2013-14 Tulsa Oklahoma, outfitting the new camper


From Poteau Oklahoma to Tulsa Oklahoma

Campground:  Brush Creek Recreation Area.  Army Corp campsite.  Reg. $15-20.  Senior discount, $7.  Water/Elect.  Large spacious campsites on the lower part of the dam.  Couple other Army Corp sites on lake including Salt Creek Cove, with good views of the lake.

Brush Creek, large grassy campsites
I’ve come up with a great name for the new camper. I think I’m going to call it “The Grand Poobah Lodge on wheels”.  Though I may still use the sign I had made for the last camper.  We’ll see.

Now you know it was a ton of work moving everything to the new camper, but with that all done, before heading out on the next adventure I had to stop at the Heavener Runestone.  I visited another Runestone last year in Arkansas.  The one in Heavener OK is quite large and has been protected under a building and is behind glass windows.  A Runestone like the one I’m visiting was believed to have been inscribed by Norwegians back around 1,000 AD.  The word rune means magician and it was a written language that usually only Priests and magicians (kind of like Merlan) would have used.  The language died out when Christianity was introduced into NW Europe and they banned any language except for the use of Latin.  

one of the smaller Runestones

the largest of the runestones, behind protective glass

Although this stone and a few smaller ones found in the area have had their share of controversy, a number of scholars with more recent and extensive research believe it to be real.  Just to consider that the Vikings could have explored so far into the interior of the United States is quite amazing.  The words on the large Savannah Sandstone have a number of interpretations but the most current theory by a noted researcher is that it says “Valley owned by GLOME”.  A boundary marker or land claim.  The site where it was first discovered by local Choctaw Indians is a deep ravine with waterfalls cascading over the cliff edges.  Sandstone blocks have broken off and have slid down the sides of the ravine.  Wild blue miniature iris grow along the side of the handsome stone walled walkways leading down to the rune.

It was for me a most exciting adventure.  Bringing me a bit closer to my newly discovered relations living in the Scandinavian countries of Sweden and Finland.  Just think, perhaps some of my ancient relatives might have been a part of the Vikings arriving in America for the first time, way before Columbus discovered America.  

The other claim to fame in the Poteau OK area is that they have the tallest hill in the world.  Cavanal Hill at 1,999 feet high.  The designation for being a mountain is 2,000 feet.  Well, what else can I say. It’s one big hill.

Distance Traveled:  143 miles.

After two days at the dealers, I’ve headed out to Tulsa OK.  The weather has improved and there appears to be little chance of tornadoes in the area, so I’ll spend a week here during the Memorial Day holiday.  I’ve chosen the much smaller of the parks in the area, to avoid the family crowds that usually fill up the larger campgrounds on holidays.  Not that I don’t enjoy seeing all the little urchins running around. But a peaceful setting just sounded better for this part of my journey.  I did stop over at The Keystone State Park on the same lake and noted that even in the middle of the week the campground was pretty full.  I’d driven over to go the the restaurant down at the marina where I had The Best catfish I’d ever eaten anywhere.  It had a light delicate flavor and the breading was perfect.  What a treat.

Marty the salesman and me (Doug)
The small campground I’m at has wonderful green grassy expanses with maple, sycamore and oak trees interspersed across the lawns.  

I’ve been doing my chores rearranging things in the camper and finding out where everything is.  Went shopping today and purchased almost a $100 worth of storage boxes and organizers for better storage management.  Did a pretty good job too. Making for much less cramped cabinets and closets.  I even shipped off a couple of larger items to family and friends since the new camper is so well equipped I had some things that were expensive but no longer needed.  They’ve been sent off to good homes where others can enjoy them.

I even stopped off at a Goodwill Store and dropped a load of stuff off with them.  It’s amazing what we collect and really don’t use or need anymore. 

Here are a few pictures of the camper:

So the Memorial Day holiday weekend is upon us and I’m really settling into my new home.  I hope everyone enjoys the long Holiday weekend as much as I am.  

Till the next report, have a super great day.

more photos on PICASA.

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