Friday, March 1, 2013

2013-2 Preparing to Head on Out


Tucson Arizona, Desert Trails RV Park

Preparing to Head on Out.  ETD:  19 March 2013

It’s getting closer to the date to start my spring and summer adventures back out on the open road.  The winter months in Tucson this year were pretty chilly and we didn’t have enough warm evenings for those wonderful happy hours around the campfire.  A wave of flue, the crud and colds and sniffles filled the air for months as well.  I was under the weather for a full month, a real bummer for sure.

Snow dusted the cactus recently in Tucson

The snow lasted all of two hours

quite a site in sunny Arizona

But the time is getting closer with each day to head on out and the travel bug has once again caught me in it’s grip.  My first destinations will be in New Mexico where I plan to spend up to two  months exploring that great state from top to bottom.  I plan on signing up for their yearly park pass at $250 for out of stators which gets me into all the state parks and camping for that yearly price.  Elect is an additional $4 a night.  What a great deal for camping and exploring all those great State Parks in NM.

I was hoping to meet up with fellow campers here at Desert Trails along the way, but they have obligations to head on back to Washington State and won’t be able to explore other states along their route back home.

Photo Clubs trip to De Grazia Museum

I’ve been leading the RV Travel Club this winter at Desert Trails and we’ve had a wonderful time sharing stories about states we’ve visited, places to stay and things to see and do in each one.  Had an open forum style this past week which was just a blast to share and learn from others.

De Grazia chapel
The dynamics of wintering in one location is quite different than being on the open road.  I get a chance to meet new people, gain friendships that often last for years to come.  The only part that’s a downer is that I have to move on down the road eventually and it’s not easy leaving all those friends behind.  Thank goodness for e-mails, blogs and face-book to keep us all in touch with each other.

A Trip to the Gem and Mineral Show, Tucson AZ

Here is a list of a few places I’m planning on heading to in New Mexico in the coming months:

City of Rocks State Park, near Silver City

Elephant Butte Lake State Park, near Truth or Consequences



Cochiti Lake Reservoir, near Santa Fe

Chaco Cultural NHP

This a just a partial list of all the many places I hope to get to in the coming months.  From there, I’ll most likely begin to head north and east with possible visits to my sisters in northern and southern Michigan and possible stops to visit relatives in Minnesota.

Possible other locations for this summers travels include Wisconsin, stays in Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia and North Carolina.

Who knows how long it will take to travel to all these destinations as I plan this year on staying in each area for longer periods of time, exploring and discovering all those hidden places along the way.

I’m looking forward to sharing those stories with you.  So all you arm chair travelers, get your arm chairs fluffed up and ready for the next adventure.  Oh and let me know what great adventures you have planned for this coming season.  Happy Travels!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to showing you some of the beauty of NM around the ABQ area --- and catching up!!!


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