Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012-01 New Year at 1,000 Palms

A New Year Arrives at 1,000 Palms Rv

Campground:  1,000 Palms Rv Resort.  Smaller Florida Rv park.  95 Rv sites with some park models as well. (campground previously reviewed)

Elmo rests up before the New Year begins

I’ve been here at my winter destination for a little over a month.  Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas breakfast and dinner’s have come and gone with the finally being a sit down (served) New Year dinner and dance.  These folks, like most Rv-ers know how to eat well.

Their winter clubs (writing, photography, crafts) haven’t yet begun and those that have have barely started as the park doesn’t fill up until the 1st of the year.  Line dancing continues, but with my having a possible second hernia (I’m trying to find a good Dr. in the area) I’ve not been doing any dancing.  The computer club is anemic to say the least, so not much interest there.   I have gone on a number of weekly diner nights out and have discovered some great places to dine and enjoyed great conversations.  Some looking like shacks on the outside but with great food being served inside.

Michael (owner) on the right
I had a most wonderful visit on Christmas Day with my niece Kelly/Rusty and family with a super great dinner being served.  Kelly wasn’t sure she could compete with her sister who is also a great cook and whom I had visited on my way through St Louis.  But I told her that she was 10 points ahead of Kim since Kim’s kids gave be the dreaded “Bug” while I was there.  And after tasting their “pickle soup”  Kelly and Rusty gained another 5 points.  Kim got  4 points for having taken a most awesome picture of Luke and Brooke, but in the end Kelly was way ahead on the point scale.  What ever will Kim do to raise her point score?  (giggle)

A week or so later I had the opportunity to visit with some good friends, Debbie and Eddie and one of their dogs, “Nickie”…. notice everyone’s name ends in ie.  Hmmmm.  Nickie is a German Sheppard and is being trained to become a service dog.  Less than a year old Nickie is the most precious excited dog I’ve ever met.  They live in Williston Fl and we found the best restaurant called the Ivy House.  True gourmet Florida cooking at it’s best.  And nice to see yet again, another small Florida town I’d never visited before.

They love to line-dance at 1,000 Palms

I’m eager to join some of those “hopefully” good clubs that will be forming in the next week or so.  As I love to share what I’ve learned along the way and can’t wait to learn new tips and tricks from my fellow Rv-ers.  I’m just concerned I’ll end up leading half of them.

Of course we do have a weekly cocktail hour at one of the campers sites, but I miss the smaller get-togethers that I enjoyed so much at Desert Trails (my former winter residence).

It’s January 1st,  2012.  We expect the temp. to reach a sunny 75 today and I may be able to get another day of swimming in before we have a cool down with a cold front heading towards us on Monday.  Just a note:  could all you Northerners keep your cold weather up North.  Thanks.

Wishing everyone many adventures in the new year.

and of course, more pictures of the New Year celebration on Picasa.

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