Sunday, April 17, 2011

2011-08 Santa fe, surgery

On the Road lifestyle

I’m sort of in a transition between staying at a campsite for the winter and moving on down the road.  Once I had a second opinion on my health issues, I decided I’d go ahead and have the surgery for a small hernia while here in Santa Fe NM.  That means that I’ll be in the area for a couple more weeks.  I’ve learned to pretty much go with the flow and had decided that being out here after the surgery, I would be able to spend a bit more time with my niece and sister.

Fate has a way of changing some of the best laid plans and my niece and most of her children and husband ended up getting a 24 hour flue bug.  Needless to say, I have not visited them over the past week as the household goes through the bug.  And my sister Ann will be flying home on Saturday so I won’t see her again until I make a trek up north to the U.P. of Mich.  Found out her plans changed as well, since she too contracted the dastardly flue bug as well.

While waiting for my surgery at the end of the week,  I had a chance to explore the Petroglyph National Monument here in Alb. NM.  I only went on the one mile hike up and down the basalt rock outcropping on the edge of the city.  The two mile hike would have to wait until after I had the hernia operation.  The sites are noted for the Macaw birds etched into the black basalt rocks.  There was quite a trade route between Mexico and the southwestern United States some 1,000 + years ago.  Macaws were highly prized and their feathers were prominently used in the head dresses of the chief Indians.

I finally purchase a new Canon Camera, the SX30IS, 35X optical zoom.  I had been holding my Tax refund on the side for the purchase and finally found a good deal ordering the camera on the internet and picking up the camera at a Best Buy.  Saved an additional $30 by doing that.

I’ve enjoyed a couple local restaurants in the area.  One being  a chain eatery called Dion’s.  A pizzeria and sub shop.  Their subs are toasted, with the best fresh rolls and 10 times better than a Subway sub.  The pizza’s can be ordered by the slice if your in a hurry, but I recommend getting a 10” or 12” pizza made to order or larger if your with a family.   I’ve also eaten at a couple of great Mexican restaurants, always serving either green or red chili.  And most will serve sopopias a Mexican desert, basically fried puff pastry served with honey on the side to drizzle over the pastry.  A perfect light after dinner treat.

Friday.  This is the big day.  I packed up my camper for the 40 minute drive back to Santa Fe, and got settled back into the Rodeo Fairgrounds, just in time before my ride came to pick me up and head to my appointment for surgery this morning.  Chris Linn, who I’d met through a mutual camping club has been an angel to help me out for a day or so with getting me to and from the Dr.’s and letting me stay overnight at her place.

We drove over to the surgeons smart new offices where they have an operating room on the first floor for outpatient procedures like mine.  I dressed in my peak-a-boo gown, light blue hair net, which Chris said I hardly needed with so little hair on my head.  After all the paperwork was signed, and with introductions to everyone including, nurse, anesthesiologist and Doctor,  even a nurse who is a fellow Rv’er (nice to have someone with similar interests caring for me) they wheeled me into the operating room.  How nice that they covered me with warmed blankets before putting me under as you may know an operating room is quite cold.

Before I knew it, I was awake again and had a titanium mesh installed to keep all my innards in place and where they belong.

I feel all pampered sitting here in Chris’s guest bedroom with a most adorable cat to keep me company.  I have a special bulb filled with a drug that gets pumped to my surgery area which will keep it numb for the next 48 hours.  So at this point no pain to speak of.  Isn’t modern medicine wonderful.

Then a nice breakfast prepared by Chris and a ride back to my camper where I’ll spend a few days just vegging.

I final note.  Thanks for all the Facebook get well messages.  You know, your e-mails and all the news I hear on Facebook do so much to keeping me connected with you.  I know we’ve all lost our abilities to just drop folks a line or two, but when we do I can tell you, the recipient sure does appreciate it.

Have a super duper day, I know I will as I continue the healing process.

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