Thursday, March 3, 2011

2011-04 My One Man Art Show

The Art Show
The Event of the Season
Main Library room with large prints

What a blast.  It all came together after months of preparation.  Selecting the final photos to print and enlarge, matting and framing over 35 photos.  The decision of which pictures to include in this show was daunting as I searched through thousands of photo’s taken over the past 3 years. The 35 chosen were only some of the 70+ I could have printed and framed if I had the space to present them properly.  Yes, I limited my search to only the most recent photos as even with that it took months to decide which would be entered into the show.
Room two had all the 5X7's
Would the show be only landscapes which I enjoy taking so much?  No, I finally decided on an eclectic  mix of photos showing the diverse scenes that I encounter along my travels.

I was able to convince Dolores and Dennis to play live music.  Dolores plays the dulcimer which I enjoy so much and Dennis’s guitar accompaniment was just perfect.  We had a huge covered patio just outside the library where my good friends served wine and more wine and finger food.  Twinkle lights were hung and added a dreamy quality to the evening.

The art was displayed along the book shelves in two rooms of the Library and created a really nice venue for the show.  I even had room for my writer friend Wilma to display and sell her book, The Ester Vice House.

Between some of the pictures were philosophical sayings about the life of Leisure that we retirees get to enjoy so much.  People mingled and really enjoyed all the art work.  We had them fill out cards selecting their favorite 1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place winners.  I was so pleased to see that almost all the framed art work I’d selected for the show got at least a couple of votes each.

So many came through, during four hours, that there was a constant stream of art lovers enjoying the show, asking questions and trying to decide which photos they enjoyed the most.  Now I didn’t sell all that many, but my main goal was to see if what I think are good pictures would be well received by the public.  And they definitely were well received.  The voting cards showed that almost every photo received at least a couple of votes, indicating to me that I had hit the right mix of scenes.

Near the end of the viewing, I was able to relax and enjoy the live music, sing along and just share laughter and a good time with all my Desert Trails friends.  It was a blast and I hope I get an opportunity to display my work somewhere else in the near future.

Many commented on the “clothes line of white laundry” and how it evoked a sense of  a simpler purer way of life.  The almost sculptural form of a group of rocks that looked like various body parts, brought a smile to many faces.  The light house pictures and old sagging barn were also favorites.  Along with a number of images shot through old windows.  One in particular that had only the partial remains of an old screen hanging in the opening.

More photos on PICASA as usual.

The photos below were judged to be best of show.

Best of Show "Little Otter Springs, Fla."

2nd Place "Zen in the U.P. Mich"

3rd place "White Linen Wash"

Please note:  I'd like to have a number of shows throughout the coming summer and if I come to your area, if you have any ideas where might be able to have a small exhibition, please let me know.  Thanks.

Finally the two pictures that received the most overall votes were:

1.  "Zen in the U.P. Mich. "  previously shown received most overall votes.

2.  Wind Swept Barn, North Dakota.  Received 2nd most overall votes.

2nd in most overall votes, "Wind Swept Barn, North Dakota"

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