Thursday, November 5, 2009

43-2009 Cottonwood Arizona Revisited as a Camphost


Note:  I will not be updating the Blog on a regular basis over the next couple of months as I settle in for the winter months, except to report on possible interesting observations and sites I may visit.

Cottonwood, AZ
Dead Horse Ranch State Park

A typical day as a Camp Host.

Background.  I’d been a camp host here At Dead Horse a year or so ago and decided to travel through Cottonwood on my way to my winter destination in Tucson.  So here I am working again as a camp host for 5 weeks.

After setting up my camper in Quall Loop I began work right the next day.  My day starts around 8:30 as I drive my golf cart around each loop,  where I take my list of campsites and check each site out to ensure the folks have paid their fees, leave when their time is up, or renew as needed.  We do this three times a day, as we have to check those who have come in overnight as well and have done a self check in.  I helped clean the cabins over two days as well.

Other duties include cleaning out the fire pits at each site, cleaning the restrooms once a week and chopping wood if time permits.  All in all it’s a pretty busy 4 hour day that usually stretches into 6 hours since our last compliance check is at 2 pm.

It’s fun meeting the campers, as of course one of our jobs is talking to the campers and seeing if they have any questions.  One gal was “walking” her cat.  She would carry her cat about a half a block away from their camper, then the cat would walk back to the camper.  Never away from the camper.  She said her cat was afraid of people but he loved it when I scratched his head.  How spoiled.  I’m coming back as a cat.  One couple had flown into Phoenix from Boston and had rented a Class C camper for the week.  They had never gone camping in their life and were absolutely enjoying the whole trip.  Particularly loving the active ghost town of Jerome.  The next day I helped a guy get his car started after the battery went dead.  Today, I called the main office after seeing 4 horses without their riders.  The horses just walking through my loop and on up a dirt trail.  Come to find out the horses had thrown 4 young riders and had wondered off.  I believe the kids are alright.

I settled into my camp host site (my second one).  I’m up on the hill this time in the loop called Coopers Hawk.  I love this site.  I’m snuggled in a site that has been dug out into the side of the hill, so I have a wall about 4 feet high on two sides.  The views are spectacular of the surrounding mountains, Verde valley below and the old mining town of Jerome up on the side of the mountain.  At night the lights from the town below and Jerome up on the hill light up providing a shimmering display of twinkling lights.

The last couple of days has also brought a full moon against a clear black sky.  I leave my blinds open so I can look out both day and night.

I was sitting out on my patio today after putting in a pretty full day as a camp host.  Starting off with a staff meeting, compliance checks, bathroom cleaning, getting my golf cart fixed (it wouldn’t go into reverse) and finally closing a couple of the gates in the evening.  In between, I get breaks and that’s where sitting out on the shaded side of the patio is so nice.  Reading a book, looking out over this wonderful high desert scenery, just enjoying the quite stillness of the day before doing a few more camp host chores.

The Rangers were mostly all spared some big cuts in the Arizona State Park system, with a few of the staff moving to other parks.  Both the Rangers and the volunteers are so easy to get along with

Tip to future Camp Hosts: .  If you ever camp host somewhere, after your there a while don’t forget to ask if they have any free tickets to any of the local attractions.  There are fringe benefits that aren’t always talked about, and one of them being the free tickets.  If you don’t ask, you may never get them.

A final observation.  An interesting thing happens each time I move to a new campsite.  Although it’s the same camper, because the scenery changes outside the windows, the interior takes on a new character with each move.  The way the light hit’s the oak cabinets and floor differently.  The sun reflects against the full length mirror in the living room and cascades through the blinds partially closed to defect some of the light streaming in.  And looking out, my world view is different each time I move.  This time I have mountain and valley views.  Having lots of windows in a camper truly makes for wonderful changes of scenery.  With each move to a new campsite, the sun comes up from a different side of the camper, creating all new light patterns or it may remain in the shade of a forest.  With each move it’s almost like having a new camper.  Oh and if I happen to just be passing through an area and the commercial campground is a bit ratty looking, the semi transparent shades remain closed and I have a cocoon of soft light filtering the outside world. So whether I’m inside our outside, the vibe changes with each move I make.

Ok, one more final note.  I re-visited Tuzigoot, a hilltop adobe structure over a 1,000 years old with many rooms.  I was hoping to get in on a tour, but the NP does not have any tours of this site.  So for the $5 charge, I got a brochure that didn’t discuss the Native Indians that built this awesome site, but rather described the scenery that the Indians would have viewed from the North, south, east and west.  Woppie. Although there is a small museum, the static flat display cases were of little interest.  A few signs along the path to the ruins were informative but also very lacking in so many ways.   This whole valley was heavily populated with Sinagua Indians and the relationship between the sites must have been impressive.  I’ve reported in past reports on the other sites in the area and won’t rehash that information here.

I’ve uploaded a few more pictures of the Cottonwood area as well as a neat geodesic dome I saw traveling along hwy 40.  Until next time, have a super great day.

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