Saturday, July 26, 2008

18-08 Pagosa Springs Colorado cont.

18-08 Pagosa Springs

It’s been great weather up here. I’ve started to check out my next campsite locations. It’s going to be either Bayfield which is about 15 miles from Durango or a Forest location about 25 miles between Pagosa and Durango. Which one I’ll take is hard to say. Bayfield will be in a crowded but well maintained park with full hookups. The Forest location would be as a camp-host. They have no facilities as the campsite, but the location is awesome. It’s right next to a fast flowing mountain stream, lots of trees and very secluded. Can I live without any cell phone reception, no internet reception and forget about tv. Maybe one radio station. Being out in the forest has a great appeal. We’ll see.

I had a wonderful lunch at JJ’s on the River. It’s on the east end of Pagosa Springs. A wonderful outdoor terrace restaurant overlooking the San Juan River. Tubers came bobbing lazily down the river during lunch. I had a waiter who was impressed with my lifestyle and told me how he’d found his passion for accounting. No indication as to how he was going to pursue that career, but I hope he follows through. Almost all the restaurants have outdoor seating, as the weather is absolutely perfect for outdoor dining. I absolutely love it.

Bill and Sheryl stopped by the other night and we sat around the campfire talking about life. Bill is one of the balloon pilots and he gets to travel all over the country and world doing it. He’s been recently invited to Dubai to fly balloons.

My next door neighbor, a middle aged, trim gal who has been up here with her horse, taking horse training courses. Two weeks of intensive training that’s more about the rider than the horse. The course can go for 4 and 6 weeks, depending on your stamina and whether one has the time and money. She has a daughter and boyfriend, so couldn’t stay longer.

My big adventure this week has been to go into town to the small local movie theatre for a film and lecture on “Angels and UFO’s“. Doo do doooo do. Victoria Liljenquist was the “contactee” and the film was about her experiences seeing Orbs, cigar shaped craft etc. Lots of bright spots of lights that transformed from circular objects to spiky translucent colorful lights. Can we say this was on the very edge of credibility…. Well she is a sweet blond with a wonderful singing voice and quite a story to tell. The movie theatre was pretty full as well. Expect many more sighting in the future as our planet goes through some “challenging” changes… all for the eventual betterment of course. Calif. Is destined to sink in the near future, so she’s trying to get the Pagosa area ready for a major influx of people. And she wants to gather up all the urchins (children) that need her guidance and love. She wants to create greenhouses that they can build and work in, supposedly to feed the hordes of folks that will be migrating to the area. You go girl….
Pagosa Springs is one of the cities of light… hay, wait a minute, it’s that what Senior Bush was working on….

I went for a ride with Bill and Sheryl to Farmington for a bit of shopping. It’s amazing what you can buy at a Sam’s Club, but I think you still need to watch the prices. While we were checking out, I went over to the snack bar to get a soda and the gal in front of me had just purchase a couple of slurpees for her two kids and herself. As she waited to pay, she wrote down the purchase in a small day planner. I commented on it and she said, by following a financial counselors guidance and writing down every purchase, she has become debt free, except for her house mortgage. No credit card bills, no other debt. The plan worked for her. What a great success story. I forget the name of the “plan”, but isn’t it nice to hear someone making positive change in their life. Just by being aware of where every penny is spent, she was able to cut out the excess and pay off all her bills.
See pic on right: Am I in Florida or Colorado?

How’s your summer going?

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