Saturday, May 24, 2008

09-08 San Antonio Texas

Texana State Park

Braunig Lake Rv Resort, San Antonio Tx. A Passport America park. Clean neat concrete paved pads and patios. With nice grassy area in between each site. Full hook ups and cable Tv. Most site have no shade. Half price $18.

My couple of days at the Texana Lake State Park was very pleasant. Lots of shade trees and a great view of the lake. I had two doe (deer) come by my site every evening. One evening, I was sitting outside reading, and they came up on either side of my chair from behind. I was quite startled for a minute. They both have those unbelievable big dark eyes and they really do have huge eye lashes. I never knew that. But they came up so close, I couldn’t help but notice. How Cool! Saw an armadillo as well but couldn’t get a picture because the little dog next door chased it into the woods.

I drove the back roads, hwy 87 from Victoria, through the small towns of Cuero, Smiley, Pandora and Nixon. Cuero though small was just charming with a couple of nice shops and restaurants. Neat and clean as a button. It just looked like it had gotten stuck in time in the old west. Not a bad thing in this hectic life.

I’ve arrived at my next campsite, Braunig Lake Rv Resort and it is a nice clean place. They told me they have a Friday night dinner and karaoke music and breakfast is served on weekends. I’ll look forward to that. It’s hot as all get out here. Just hit 100 today. Yikees, I’ve got to get to the mountains soon!

I’m having to take care of a bit of business the first couple of days here. Getting a new tire for the camper and bringing the truck in for it’s first oil change, and various filters that need changing the first time around. Then I’ll visit with friends Linda and Trine.

Had a nice visit with Linda and Trine. They live on the north end of town and never get down to the south end where I’m staying. They live in the new section of town.

I’m down where there are corn fields and the southern end of the Mission Trail.

I did some exploring today visiting three sites along the San Antonio River and the mission trail. The Mission Espada, the Espada Aqueduct and Mission San Juan.

The missions date to around the 1690-1731 era. Both missions are currently active and have services. They are part of the 5 missions in the San Antonio area run by the National Park system. Had a chance to witnessed two baptisms today which was quite a treat.

The missions taught the native Indians much about farming and building in the European style. The aqueduct and irrigation enabled the native Indians and the missionaries to grow crops and stay in one place.

While I was exploring the missions, I noticed a National Park sign showing some intriguing rocks that had cross hatch and parallel type lines on them created by an ancient civilization. They are called Gault Lines. The actual site where the small stones were discovered is in North Central Texas in an area called Gault.

The artifacts are attributed to the Clovis era of 11,500 to 11,000 years ago. These native tribes would have seen the extinction of the mammoth and the horse in North America. Some research shows that there are only two known sites in the U.S. that relics with these lines appear. All are on small rocks or stones.

Check out this site for more info:

I’ve never seen any markings like these on the Petroglyph and Pictographs I’ve seen out west.
It’s fun discovering new and exciting tidbits about the history of our planet.

Live, love, laugh, explore, discover, learn, share.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having a great time. That is awesome that you got to see deer that up close and personal. I stayed in North Padre Island and went to Corpus Christie once, but would have loved to enjoy it like you are. Karoke and friends sound like fun. 100 Degrees, yikes, sounds pretty hot, 95 in Orlando today. Keep enjoying the time of your life!


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