Saturday, December 1, 2007

(41) Travel costs for 2007

Here’s a little basic information on my costs for the past 9 months of travel. You can easily add about $1,000 a month for food, eating out, entertainment and road expenses/repairs.


NOV $437 $369

OCT $422 $473

SEP $688 $504

AUG $348 $834

JUL $308 $481

JUN $348 $628

MAY $431 $700

APR $584 $636

MAR $339 $750


So, as you can see, it wasn’t all that bad this past year for traveling. I did have to bring my truck in for repairs three times, each costing about $800 in repairs. I could have sworn I had a gas bill of over $1,000 a month, but after looking at my expenses, my highest bill was $834 for gas.

I now have a diesel engine and should gain a great advantage on fuel savings. We’ll see this coming year.

I’ve traveled a total of :

17,424 miles.

Quiet a distance, but very doable at a slow pace of about 150 to 200 miles a day max. I stayed at each site for between 5 and 10 days and when I got to my final destination out west, I stayed two weeks in the Grand Tetons and another two weeks at Yellowstone National Park.

My absolute favorite location this year was the Grand Tetons and Jackson Hole area. The wildlife and mountain ranges and valleys were all spectacular.

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