Tuesday, February 28, 2006

06-25 Bonus Report, Tupelo Honey, Asheville North Carolina

Bonus Report

Tupelo Honey

Folk Art Center

These are just a couple of misc. thoughts and ramblings.

I was in a coffee shop the other day, and two gentlemen were discussing business, with their Bibles out very prominently on the table. One looked my way and smiled as I was on the computer sending out one of my reports. A conversation quickly ensued, and as usual with a situation like this, I was asked if I “knew the Lord” and had I been saved?
Just a thought, but my Mom always taught us that our connection with God should be private and between the Maker and ourselves and not flaunted to the world. If you have any idea how I should respond to such questions, I’d appreciate it.

Toured downtown Asheville the other day and ate at Tupelo Honey’s. THE place to go for breakfast in Asheville. I had hotcakes made with a mixture of sweet potato’s , cinnamon, and walnuts on top. Double Yum.

Checked out a couple book stores (Malaprop’s) and then went up the Blue Ridge Parkway (it’s only a couple miles from downtown) to get to the Folk Art Center. Now I have to be honest, I thought I would just see some “rustic” folk art, smile nicely and be on my way. Was I ever wrong! Now my photo’s unfortunately could not show much of the art museum’s works, no pictures allowed, but I was able to take pictures of the items in the store. The museum had some of the most wonderful new contemporary quilts, total pieces of art in themselves along with a history of mountain folk art. Absolutely beautiful. Many of the newer artists are from all over the country including Canada. Each having migrated to the Appalachian area, with that inner drive to be a part of the folk art created in the area.

Inspiration for anyone of an artistic bent.

I particularly liked the one of the two black women, the girl combing the mothers hair and thought of my good friend Dixie. I wish I could afford to buy all of the wonderful things I saw at the Folk Art Center and give something to each one of you. But my pictures and descriptions will have to do.

Visited the Catholic Shrine. At least I think that’s what it’s called. There are something like 38 in the U.S. It has an awesome free standing vaulted ceiling, totally unsupported by any bracing. I’m not sure if it’s ok to do this, (so don’t tell anyone) since I’m not Catholic, but I light a few candles for family members that have passed on and for those who have died of AIDS and a final one lit with a prayer for peace.

That’s a picture of Hominy Valley where I’ve been staying for the past week, as seen from the Blue Ridge Parkway. Pretty cool hay?

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