Tuesday, February 28, 2006

06-09 Americus Georgia to Plains Georgia

(9) On The Road Again
Americus Georgia, Plains, Ga

Home of Jimmy Carter

Just up the road a piece, about 175 miles and I’m in the heart of Georgia low country. It’s steamy hot, so most all activity is done early morning or in the evening. The middle of the day is reserved for writing these reports or leisurely porch swing naps.

After exiting the main hwy, 75, I pass through Cordele and onto Americus to the Brickyard Plantation Golf and RV Park. The folks are super friendly and I’m invited to enjoy a Bluegrass band jam that evening at the park. You’d think after three days of Folk music the previous weekend that I’d be tired of it. But these guys and one gal had such passion for their music you just had to get excited all over again. Not bad for a Thursday evening at a new park.

Friday, I’ve been having a great time exploring the small town of Leslie and the Georgia Rural Telephone Museum. Absolutely one of the finest museums I’ve seen in a long time. A tour guide is available to tell you the history of the rural phone company and show you the most awesome display of old phones you’ll ever see. From the old fashioned switchboard used in Plains while Jimmy Carter was President, to the first (white) touch tone phone installed in Plains for Rosaline Carter. A collector would go ape over the collection of antique phones.

Well now you know, being so close to Plains Georgia, I just had to go tour everything Jimmy Carter. If you haven’t read his most recent book, Our Endangered Values, you really should get it and read it. It’ll put your mind on the right track and hopefully the countries. President Carter is truly the story of a simple farm boy growing up with a thirst for knowledge and a desire to do good in this world.
From Habitat for Humanity to his never ending quest to bring stability and peace to the world, he truly is a man to emulate and learn from.

Friday evening is happy hour of course. Many Rv parks have a happy hour once or twice a week. The Brickyard does it up right. Bring your favorite beverage and something to share. Good conversation. Ok some people don’t like Jimmy Carter. Too political? How is that possible? Habitat For Humanity, trying to aid in calming down the worlds hot spots? A major environmentalist. Well, I could go on, but you should discover who the man is on your own.

I’ll be heading west to the Georgia/Alabama border to check out some state parks.
P.S. I did some work today. Washed the camper. Many parks don’t permit it, so when one lets you clean the camper, ya gotta take advantage of it. Well, my works done for the week.

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