Tuesday, February 28, 2006

06-03 White Springs Florida

(3) On The Road Again
White Springs

April 2006

Friends Visit. Still at Kelly’s Park in White Springs, and guess what? Friends Jimmy and Larry came and visited me for the day. What a joy to have friends willing to drive 2 hours to come see me.

We had a fun day seeing the small town of White Springs, eating a lunch buffet at the Suwannee Café. Fried Chicken, pole beans, corn and other fresh vegetables. A tour of the Steven Foster State Park and the side streets through town. Good conversation on a fresh spring day. The sun peaking in and out between fast moving clouds overhead.

Not only a visit with friends, but in the morning, I went on a tour arranged by the RV park, of the PCS Phosphate mining operation. It’s a Canadian owned company, originally owned by Hammer. They produce dozens of phosphate products, using tons of water with over 95% recycled. All on over 100,000 acres of land up here in North Central Florida. They appear to be doing a bang-up job of returning the land to it’s original state.

Phosphate is the byproduct of whale and shark bones deposited over millions of years ago on the ocean floors. Yes, Florida was once under water. PCS harvests the forests first, strips off the top soil for future re-use, uses tons of water to separate the phosphate from the rest of the soil and sea beds. Then, eventually, PCS creates new lakes, forests, wetlands and usable land. The products created are highly toxic, dangerous to handle and safety seems to be the highest priority at this site.

Ekk! I got an icky virus from contaminated water. The last place I was at had sewer problems and they messed with my water hose. Needless to say, not a good situation. I’ve been chlorinating the water lines and holding tank and should be ok. RV note, use a small spray bottle mixed with Clorox and water and spray the ends of your hose and water spickit before connecting.

Rv Yard sale. Well, after feeling a bit better, taking antibiotics, I joined in on the yard sale this morning. It’s amazing what a person can accumulate over 6 months or a year. Can you believe it, I sold $57.75 worth of stuff. Cd music, power drill set, pillows, walkie talkie’s, towels, you name it. We set up along side US hwy41 with a Scottish gal playing the bagpipes! What a character.

A Happy Easter to all. I’ll be having an Easter Dinner at the clubhouse hear at Kelly Park. Then it’s onto S Georgia for a couple of weeks. Bach to Fla by mid May for a short stay at Anastasia State Park, Ft Clinch and back here to White Springs for the Florida Folk Festival the end of May. I’ll be head North from that point on. Have a Great Summer!

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