Monday, March 28, 2005

05-19 Cheyenne Wyoming, Bonus report

Cheyenne Wyoming

Week 19 of 52
Aug 7-14

Odd notes and stuff. Just a couple odd notes and interesting facts.

Cheyenne has a population of 53,000 and is the biggest city in Wyoming. Wyoming has the smallest population of all 50 states. I like it.

Summer Temps are around the low 80’s in the day and around 59 at night.

By 1890 all Plains tribes had been located onto reservations. It was the Governments policy at the time to eradicate any remnant of native culture.

However, the first Cheyenne Frontier Day’s was held in 1897 and the Indian tribes in the area were invited to showcase their culture, in particular, their dance.

Thus, the Cheyenne Frontier Days in effect helped save the traditions of the Indian tribes.

The F.E. Warren Air Force Base doesn’t actually have an air field. Only a few planes are stationed at the Cheyenne public air field. The base does have a few helicopters. Their main mission is to man the 150 or so ballistic missiles.

The best thing going is the Frontier Days held around July 21’st each year. I found the live music and farmers market on weekends in the summer to be my favorite thing to do.

The first “yellow pages” were produced in Cheyenne, when the printer ran out of white paper and asked if any other color would do to print their first directory. It also has the first building, 3 stories high and very narrow, that was built to specifically house the phone operators.

Little kids love to dance to music. We all need to be little kids again…

There are no T-shirt shops in town.

The F.E. Warren Air Force Base has two wind generators. They are able to produce power and spin even with the slightest of wind. Wind turbines are stopped if the wind gets too gusty.

The Wyoming Tribune-Eagle. Contains two sections. The Front section contains info on Local and Wyoming news. Section B is the Sports section and contains about 4-5 pages of Sports. Inside the sports section at about the 5th page, is the world news, one page of business news and comics.

Velcro strips work great to hold things down in a camper, I.e. VCR’s, DVD’s, remote controls (so you can find them) and artist putty works great to hold small objects, like lamps and clocks, in place without ruining the table surface or the need to stow them when traveling.

Things I accomplished this week:

Velcroed everything that could move in the camper.
Got the Honda Generator repaired and working great.
Got the new top half of the 5th wheel hitch replaced. The locking mechanism slides easily now.
Note to self: make sure the hitch is in rocking mode when traveling bumpy dirt roads.
Washed the truck.
Took a siesta. Zzzzz

Ps, the past two months have found monthly expenses go up to around $1,900. With repairs, new tires and insurances coming due. A $400 increase over previous months.

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